Well, almost...
Here is what it looked like the day that we moved in. You can't tell, but the previous owner had peed all over the walls and floors of pretty much the entire house. This was one of the rooms that they "marked" on their way out the door.

I was very eager to rip out that hideous brass fireplace insert and man am I happy that I did!! it took about 5 minutes to remove and opens the room up and just makes it look current. I absolutely love the moss rock fireplace. It was one of my main reasons for wanting to buy the house. Once we got the mirror up and removed that brass, it became one of my favorite parts of the house!

If you notice the blue painters tape in the picture below, that's thanks to Kevan. He still has to finish framing out the window and we had quite the feud over this window and the window treatment. I finally put my foot down about 6 months ago and exclaimed that I didn't give a rats ass that the window wasn't done, but the curtain rod would be hung. One day my darling husband will get to the window, but until then I can smile and pretend that it's finished. We (okay fine, Kevan) painted the wood beams white and they still need another coat, but it's much better now. Kevan also removed the popcorn ceiling in this room and put up 1 million coats of paint to have the ceiling look pretty.
The coffee table is from Target and probably the biggest piece of crap we own. It rocks more than Lillian doing the monkey dance. But I haven't found one that I like enough to replace it with yet. So stay tuned as I create my own by following the plans from Knock Off Wood one of these days....

See that beautiful Tiffany-style lamp in this picture??? Guess where I got it.... Goodwill.... for $12.99. SCORE!!!

You can see the kitchen from this picture and that's another room which is still in progress. I've refinished and glazed the kitchen cabinets and hopefully we'll have the new countertop and backsplash we picked up today soon!!! Hopefully one day I can post the finished kitchen with it's gorgeous crown molding and up and down lighting and stunning backsplash with small copper tile pieces. One day... but back to the family room...

This is the motto of this house and my family. All because two people fell in love. I'll come back to this later on this week.

And I want to back up to one of the pictures from above real quick

See that black beauty media center that looks fantastic there under that beautiful TV (Thanks Dad!!). That was one of my thrift store finds that Kevan yelled at me for. Anyone notice a pattern?? Kevan yells at just about all of my thrift store finds. I swoon and he yells. But the great thing is that once I'm all done with it. His amazement with the finished product makes my heart melt.
So here is that gorgeous piece when I brought it home from the thrift store after paying $4 for it.

Linds - this is so awesome!!! How do you find the time, girl?
And the previous owners pissed all over the house? You have got to be kidding me! What were they, dogs? Sheesh!
Wow... what an amazing transformation!! You guys did fantastic! Pretty color you went with for the room!
Thanks so much!
I loved the color so much that I went with one shade darker for The Pub (our basement bar) and the Laundry room off of the Family Room.
Jazz, the previous owners destroyed the house. It took us 4 coats of heavy duty Kilz primer to get rid of the stench and a lot of bleach in the master bathroom. But they did us a massive favor helping bring the price down of the house so low that it was a steal!
When I brought Kevan to see this place, my dream house, he said there was no way we were buying this "crap-sandwich".
All it needed was a little elbow grease!
Beautiful job!
~ Sarah
Great work!
I can't imagine having to clean up a stranger's pee. UGH!
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