For a much different reason though. For him, it apparently was some big game. For me, it marks the end of football season!! Which means that I get my husband back!!!!
But before we headed over to a friend's house to watch the game I was going to make up for the fact that I had slacked off on my projects all weekend.
So that meant taping up our bathroom for some stripes.
I'll back up and show you what our dressing room looked like two weeks ago when it was painted a pale yellow.
When I painted our master bedroom two shades of gray, I painted the dressing room entirely in the lighter gray. Then this morning I taped off my stripes with frog tape.
and here it is after the darker gray was added in the vertical stripe:
It looks fantastic and I'm so excited by it!!
But I need to remember to not get ahead of myself. I still have a lot of work before I'm done with the dressing room.
Just to give you an idea of how much work still needs to be done:
- Prime and Paint the Cabinets to be... drum roll please... high gloss black
- Replace countertops with slate tiles
- Get another mirror for the far wall
- Replace burnt out lightbulbs :)
- Paint the light fixture black. I got those on clearance from Lowes for $5 a piece, so I'm completely alright with painting them. I'm also looking into swapping out the glass pieces.
- Add hand towel hanger
- Replace Sink
- Replace Faucet
- Touch up on stripes. I used frog tape which would have been fantastic, but the previous owners had put that home-made sand texture on the walls and to expect frog tape to work perfect on that would be a little much. I have another project coming up where I'll be needing razor sharp lines and I'll be trusting that again to the frog tape.
- Boil my silver tray to get rid of tarnish like my candelabra
- Replace the switch plates and outlet covers.
- I'm toying with an another idea for the wall.
- Add window covering
Work still needed for bath (toilet/stall shower area):
- Basket for corner behind toilet to fill with toilet paper
- Basket for other corner behind toilet for plunger and toilet brush to reside
- Hang Picture above toilet
- Add small shelf on inside wall of room for candles, fragrant spray, and most likely a glass piece with stones in it for decoration to get that spa feeling.
- New tile on the floors and showers
- Rip out old glass shower door
But hey, if I start thinking about the million projects we have running around this house, I'll never take any joy in getting any of them complete. So tonight, I'm going back up to my bedroom to stand in my new dressing room and smile. There just might be some back patting.
The master bedroom took a huge leap forward today to being complete.
I always admire the courage it takes to start painting stripes on walls. I'd be freaked out that they wouldn't be straight. Yours look fabulous. Good luck on finishing all those other jobs!
Those stripes look so good. Kudos to you. I have not attempted stripes yet.
Super! I love the color and the stripes.
Fantastic job! I painted stripes in granson's room after my HB re-taped my crooked tape.
smiles, alice
I took my husbands large T-level (no clue what it's really called) and ran it up my stripes before painting to make sure they were straight. That gave me the confidence to actually apply the paint to the wall.
That bathroom is really coming along nicely. The stripes give it a lot of interest and personality. I know those are time consuming, but well worth it.
i think a jewelry frame would be a great idea in here! nice work on the stripes too - i've been putting off a stripe-painting project for several months myself.
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