I am a New York transplant living in the amazing state of Colorado. I moved here in 2001 when I transferred from a small college in upstate NY, Hartwick College, to Colorado State. I met my husband when he came into the restaurant where I was waiting tables on July 3, 2002.
It sounds completely cheesy, but I absolutely fell head over heels love with Kevan that night and haven't stopped falling to this day.
We were married February 19, 2006 and our son was born on August 2006. We were living in Richmond, VA when Colton was born, but moved back to Colorado when he was 9 months to be closer to family.
Our daughter, Lillian Grace, was born May 2008 here in Colorado a couple of months after we bought our first home.
I was a stay-at-home mother until Lillian was 12 weeks when I returned to work at a technology company here in Denver in Marketing. I love my job, but it is absolutely a challenge to juggle my life and keep my children and husband in the forefront.
We purchased a house that had been foreclosed and absolutely destroyed. The previous owners peed all over the walls and floors, ripped out fixtures and appliances and generally destroyed the house. So we got an amazing deal. But man has it been a lot of work...
Here it is when we started and hopefully this spring we will have it painted and landscaped so that it's the stunning house I know that it can be... It's a lot of work, but the house is going from "Crapsandwich" to Gorgeous... bit by bit...
This blog is the story of our life, renovation and my obsession with thrift store re-purposing. I hope that you enjoy!